The Making of a Narcissistic Generation

By: Stephanie Erica Louise P. Ricamonte

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In this fast paced world where people are becoming more and more engaged with different social media sites that can offer them a lot from connecting to their good old friends, to sharing significant events in their life, to meeting new people, to giving their opinions and suggestions on a local or national issue and to even starting their own business and selling it through the internet. Social Media has undeniably become a part of the people’s way of living. We gained so much advantage from this advancement in our technology but we could not also deny the fact this development affected our behaviors in so many ways.

Here are just some of the things I have observed in my generation and I am somehow guilty of it. Ooopsiee

Nowadays, young people could not live without their gadgets, tablets, cell phones, ipads and the like. They would rather face their gadgets and visit their social media accounts, check the likes and comments on their recent post visit other profiles and say negative things about others, backstab other people or “magparinig”. Don’t you even realize they might be also doing this to you? Well, we should know better, let’s not be condoning this narcissistic attitude and backstabbing kind of behavior.

They would tend to face their phones just scroll and tap, than talk to people face to face. Actually , there is nothing wrong with meeting and having virtual friends and talking to them through online but, seriously where’s the fun in that? It’s not interactive compared to talking to one another seeing their expression, hearing how they will laugh how they would give off that “Ang-Corny-mo-naman look”  compared to just seeing emoticons, emojis and gifs. (I’m actually kinda tired of using the same emojiis everytime.)

Ok, soo anyway another thing about social media is when you give off too personal information and share it to the world, you will never know you might being inviting stalkers, robbers, and those with people with bad intentions take advantage of you.  You are actually putting your life in danger, so just be cautious on posting personal information about yourself online. Don’t be too friendly ok?

photo credits: Stephanie Erica Louise Ricamonte

Also people would rather take pictures of their food before eating than saying their prayer to thank God for the food they’re about to eat. (I am actually guilty on this. Hahaha) There’s this one time when I and friend of mine was eating out and when the food arrived I just quickly snatched my phone from my bag ( I don’t know it’s just like an involuntary reflex hahaha) and the next thing I knew I was arranging my food to look beautiful on picture (feeling professional food blogger eh hahah) and my friend told me that she’s already hungry and why can’t I even pray instead of taking pictures of the food.  Soo I realized I was actually giving her a heading and was actually annoying her soo I just stopped doing what I was doing and besides I realized I actually look stupid while taking pictures of the food.

Some could not leave without posting their #OOTDs before leaving the house or whenever they go somewhere they would be doing an on-the-spot photoshoot as long as they have their camera phones with them (again, I am also guilty about this Ooooops)  soo when they get back they would be posting their photos check their likes and comments on the outfits they are wearing. Again another narcissistic behavior. It’s just all about self gratification people and we, our generation is guilty about this.

photo credits: Stephanie Erica Louise Ricamonte

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against person who loves social media. Internet is good and useful we gain so much benefit from it. But excessive, uncontrolled and careless use of social media? That’s where we all became immature, irresponsible, and not giving a care kind of people and without even knowing it, It actually disconnects you to your relationship with your friends and family and that’s not good.

Why is it so easy for us to post something to satisfy ourselves and so hard to post something that can give awareness and contribute to the development of this country? So next time, before posting something on your social media accounts we should always remember to ask ourselves first “if I post this, would anybody actually care?”, “Would this be beneficial to those who will see it?”, “Will this offend anyone?”, “Will this contribute to the development and awareness of my society?”. The point is it’s all about being cautious and thinking carefully of what to post. Don’t let other people judge you just because of how and what you put online. Ok? Think before you Click.

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